Classroom Games

 Animal Crackers
Take a big dice and assign an animal to each number. Have the students roll the dice and act like the animal.

The object of the game is to be the first student to get rid of all his/her cards. Divide the students into small group and deal flashcards to each student. Player 1 chooses a card from his/her hand and throws it face down on the table saying, for example, “I have (a cat)”. Player 1 may be telling the truth or bluffing. If player 2 has a ‘cat’ in his/her hand then there’s a good chance player 1 is bluffing. Player 2 should say “No, you don’t”. If player 1 was bluffing, player 2 gives player 1 a penalty card from his/her hand. If player 1 was telling the truth then he/she gives player 2 a penalty card from his/her hand. Continue until one student is out of cards.

Catch The Fruit
Toss a piece of plastic fruit to a student and ask, “What is it?” Elicit and prompt the correct vocabulary. Gesture the student to throw it back to you and repeat with different fruit and students.

Dance Of The Ostriches
Pair up students and attach a flashcard to their backs. The object of the game is to look at the other student’s flash card and yell out the word before they see yours.

Flash Card Act Out
Choose one or more students to come to the front. Show a flash card or whisper a word, and have the students act it out. Reward the first student to guess the correct answer. This can be used with many subjects (e.g. animals, etc.)  

Make a jeopardy grid on the white board as follows:

Fruit Sports Animals Body
10 _______ _______ _______ _______
20 _______ _______ _______ _______
30 _______ _______ _______ _______
40 _______ _______ _______ _______
50 _______ _______ _______ _______

In teams, or individually, let the students randomly pick a category and the points to be attempted. The teacher will then ask a question and (a 40 point question should be more difficult than a 10 point question) if the students get the correct answer their team name is written in that box. When all the boxes are filled the team with the most points wins.
