Visual Mish-Mash

This is a simple, fun game. There are many variations that you can make to this game, but here are is the basic operation of the game.

Preparation: a

Think of a topic (e.g.: colors) use at least five different colors.

On a piece of paper, write the word for a color and color it (the paper) a different color from the word you wrote. You should end up with color words that don’t match the color you have placed on their piece of paper.


How to play:

Set-up two teams (or however many you want).

Explain to the students that when you say “word” they must find the card with the color word you said. If you say “color” (note: color is the word color, this is NOT a substitute for a color) then a color (this is where you say a color) they must go for the color of the paper (not the word).

The first student to get the correct card scores a point for their team.



Play a slap-style game. This is good for one-one. Reveal a card and get the student to say either (or both) “Word color” and/or “Color color (e.g.: green)”