Reasons for Revision/Main Points | 1991 Version | 2007 Version | Related Laws
- Reasons for Revision
- Introduction of Animal Registration System
- Reinforcement of pet owners’ supervision duties
- Specification of Animal Cruetly
- Provision of Protection Regulations for Animal Transportation
- Establishment of Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee
- Introduction of Animal Protection Warden and Honorary Warden System
- Reinforcement of punishment for violations
The reinforce the federal and local governments’ responsibility towards animal protection, to provide grounds for enforcement of animal registration system in the wake of the increase in number of pets and abandoned pets, to complement regulations related to the animal abuse prevention clause in order to increase its effectiveness, and to improve and complement some of the inadequacies that have emerged under the operation of the current system.
A. Introduction of the Animal Registration System (Article 5)
- As the rise of intentional and nonintentional abandonment of animals is becoming a problem for the society at large, a solution is required.
- Mayors and governors should allow animal owners to register the animal they own to their local Mayor, Country Magistrate or District Chief.
- It is expected that by enforcing registration of animals and their owners, it will be possible to prevent abandonment of animals and increase the effectiveness of animal protection.
B. Reinforcment of Pet Owners’ Supervision Duties (Article 6)
- There has been an increase in damages from dog bites, dog worms, and other dangers to public safety due to negligence in supervision.
- The owners’ responsibilities, such as always carrying an identification tag and safety gear when going out with the pet, should be clearly stated. The City or Governor should act to enforce such matters as immunization shots, raising pets in specials zones, and imposing entrance limitations in accordance with regulations.
- It is expected that reinforcement of pet owners’ supervision duties will contribute in improvement of public health.
C. Specifications of Animal Cruetly (Article 7)
- There is difficulty in determining violation because the definition of animal cruelty is stated abstractly.
- Specific stipulation of acts considered as animal cruelty, such as killing animals by hanging or drawing bodily fluids from live animals.
- It is expected that as banned acts are specified and their range is increased, cruelty toward animals will decrease.
D. Provision of protection regulations for animal transportation
(Article 8)
- Instances of animals getting injured or dying of asphyxiation during transportation are increasing.
- Regulations are set for people that transport animals, such as provision of appropriate feed, or using vehicles that are designed to reduce injuries and pain.
- It is expected that by setting regulations for people that transport animals, standards of animal protection will be raised.
A. Establishment of Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee (AEEC hereafter) (Article 14)
- In order to plan for the protection and ethical treatment of experimental animals, establish AEEC for the animal experimentation facilities approved by the presidential decree.
- It is expected that by the establishment of AEEC, inappropriate or cruel animal experimentation will be suppressed and ethical handling of experimental animals will be reinforced.
Introduction of Animal Protection Warden and Honorary Warden System (Article 16)
- There is a need to reinforce the surveillance on animal cruelty and guidance activities.
- The Minister of Agriculture and Forestry and the local government head will appoint the animal protection warden and the honorary warden, but the range of duties will be decided by the president.
- Animal protection wardens will need training to take appropriate measures to protect animals and prevent abuse. They should be taught about the things that need to be done to take abused animals to animal protection facilities in cases where there’s a need to isolate the abused animal from the owner and treat any the wounds.
- It is expected that due to introduction of programs such as animal protection warden system, surveillance by people such as civilian specialists will be revitalized, resulting in reinforcement of animal protection.
Reinforcement of punishment for violations (Article 25 and 26)
- There is a need to reinforce the punishment of the animal abusers’ and the owners’ negligence of their responsibilities.
- Increase the fine for animal cruelty from the current amount, two hundred thousand won, to five million won. Even for negligence, there should be up to five hundred thousand won of fine.
- It is expected that the animal protection laws, such as prevention of animal abuse, will gain effectiveness.