Current Campaigns
Urgent Update
A recent scandal in Korea has linked government officials in Jincheon County to an illegal bear meat restaurant. The scandal has created public outrage in Korea, highlighting the cruelty and horrific treatment of Moon Bears and exposing the connection between bear farms and government officials. Now more than ever, we need you to call upon Korea's Ministry of Environment to ban bear farming and to strengthen laws against bear meat restaurants. Read the full story here.
Bear Farming In Korea
Help IAKA Stop the Shameful Trade In Bear Bile
To satisfy the greedy demand for bear bile, endangered moon bears are kept caged in farms throughout Korea. Here, they are forced to live a life of misery, deprived of exercise, social interactions, proper food and sometimes even sunlight. Meanwhile, they are exploited for bile and other body parts sold as key ingredients in traditional medicine. This is a shameful practice for any animal, but even in the best of conditions, a wild, endangered animal should never be treated as livestock.
To learn more about the history of this terrible industry, read the article in our news section.
Help IAKA to send a message to the Korean government that bear farming is unacceptable.
What You Can Do
- visit to see video clips and sign the online petition
- Print and distribute our protest card
- Write personal letters, telling the Korean government to:
- Ban all farming, shut down existing farms and offer compensation packages to farmers
- Establish a properly funded bear sanctuary at Jiri Mountain where the farmed bears can be released, monitored and properly cared for
- Ban all DOMESTIC trade in bear parts in addition to international trade
- Educate the public about synthetic bear gall alternatives and about conservation of the environment
Please send petition cards and letters of protest to :
Minister Lee Chi-beom
Ministry of Environment
Government Complex-Gwacheon 1, Joongang-dong, Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 427-729 Korea
Please also send letters to the Jincheon County officials who were recently exposed as bear meat eaters. Read the full story here.
Jincheon County Office
Ubnae-ri #463, Jincheon-eup, Jincheon-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do
365-850, Korea