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2006 Korea Pet Expo
KAPS meeets pet lovers at the 2006 Pet Expo for the second time
KAPS participation at the Korea Pet Expo was another great success, allowing KAPS to educate the public about the importance of responsible pet ownership and the harsh reality of life for Korean companion animals. Last year, KAPS participated in the event thanks to the generous sponsorship of the RSPCA. This year, KAPS Seoul branch managed to obtain the sponsorship of several small Korean companies as well as Korean Animal Rescue and Management Association, which made it an even greater success.
Throughout the three day event, volunteers worked to educate pet owners about the importance of spaying and neutering their animals and to enlighten them about the cruel suffering endured by countless numbers of stray dogs and cats.KAPS also worked to collect signatures for our petition to ban the dog/cat meat trade in Korea. During the event, volunteers collected over 1750 signatures, distributed over 3000 spay/neuter leafl ets and KAPS newsletters, and sold 102 desk calendars.
Some visitors shed tears while reading the stories of our rescued animals and asked volunteers to continue their valuable work to help suffering animals. A few visitors said they visited our booth again because they were so touched by Sunnan’s book ‘Story of Abandoned Animals’.
A man who initially refused to sign our petition on the grounds that food dogs are different from pet dogs had a change of heart after hearing a detailed explanation about the issue from one of our volunteers. He not only signed the petition but KAPS meets pet lovers at the 2006 Pet Expo for the second time also called his entire family into our booth to add more signatures. A few passersby turned into temporary volunteers after seeing our posters against the dog/cat meat trade, stopping and asking other visitors to sign the petition.
We thank the hard work of our Seoul branch team and all volunteers, as well as our generous sponsors, for making the education event a great success. We hope to be a part of next year’s Korea Pet Expo in 2007.